Dr Shawn Baker, is an American orthopedic surgeon, elite athlete, and former nuclear weapons launch officer. He is the face of the carnivore diet, a movement that includes names like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. Shawn is the founder and CEO of MeatRx, an organisation that educates and promotes the benefits of an all meat […]
Figures from Waitrose suggest animal welfare, environmental and health concerns driving sea change in UK diet.
Ms Belshaw, who suffers from the guttate form of psoriasis, credits her vegan, gluten-free and mostly raw diet for helping her keep her condition under control which she has suffered from since she was 13 years old.
Doug Schmidt, 59, is a teacher in Rochester, New York, who suffered a near-fatal heart attack 10 years ago prompting him to become vegan, switching to a plant based diet. He has since lost 60 pounds and is off all heart medications and inspiring others to take control of their health, and has recently been […]
From Dr. Greger’s best selling book, How Not to Die, he centers his recommendations around a Daily Dozen checklist of all the things he tries to fit into his daily routine. Great way to eliminate the bad, and make sure to fit in all the good stuff to stay healthy.
We asked over 10 medical doctors (including Dr Greger, Dr Goldhamer, Dr Popper and Dr Barnard) what is the healthiest diet. Filmed at PCRM’s Nutrition in Medicine Conference. A must see for anyone serious about their health.
In this video Paul talks about the new movie, “What The Health”. How long are people going to be fooled about the connection between diet and disease? Paul shares the truth about the connection, mass media and some ‘tough love’ on how you look at your own health.