Diabetes | Healthy Living Talk

Popular Athletic Clothing Brands Have High Levels of Hormone Disrupting Chemical BPA: Watchdog Group

Sport bras and athletic shirts of some of the major global sports brands were found to contain dangerous levels of estrogen-mimicking BPA (bisphenol A) posing a considerable risk to people’s health, according to legal notices sent by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH).

Doctor Admits CARNIVORE DIET is Too Restrictive (All Meat Diet?)

The Carnivore Diet is very restrictive and in this video, I will admit to you all the things I’ve had to give up because of eating Carnivore. Watch all of this video to make sure you are willing to give up such things before you start Carnivore.

One Can Of Soda Per Day Gives You 20% Higher Risk Of Heart Attack Or Dying From One

One of the most straightforward steps you can take to improve your health in the New Year is to give up soda. The problem with soda stems from its high sugar content, particularly the liquid high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) variety, and, in the case of diet, its artificial sweetener content, among other issues. Research […]

VIDEO: What The Health Review & How Long Will We Be Fooled About the Connection Between Food and Disease?

In this video Paul talks about the new movie, “What The Health”. How long are people going to be fooled about the connection between diet and disease? Paul shares the truth about the connection, mass media and some ‘tough love’ on how you look at your own health.

American Diabetes Association Caught Pushing Recipes Containing Ingredients That Cause Diabetes

Yes, the American Diabetes Association promotes the very things that cause diabetes, and they encourage their victims to engage these junk science recipes that are listed on the ADA’s very own website. Is there any wonder why nearly 30 million Americans are living with diabetes right now?

Our Food Killing Us? MOVIE: Could a Whole Food Plant Based Diet Be the Answer?

Can a whole food plant based diet turn around the tidal wave of disease the world is currently experiencing? In this short interview, the makers of this new documentary talk about the film, the background behind it, some of the reasons why your good health is NOT profitable, and what we can learn about what’s […]
