2 teen soccer players, one a 14-year-old female from Spain was found dead by her parents 1 day after a normal practice & another 13-year-old collapses on the field and dies. Nothing to see here, this is all normal (in post covid world).
The unexpected death was announced by the Thompson Fire Department in Ohio. Never in our lifetime (or our country’s history) has there been so many ‘sudden deaths’ so often. What did 68% of the country do just two years ago, many of them forced?
Longtime Fox News executive Alan Komissaroff is dead at 47 after a heart attack that ultimately proved to be fatal.
Another healthy young woman, 25, ‘died suddenly’ from a cardiac event. Her father also had a cardiac event. This is becoming an epidemic of catastrophic proportions with young and middle aged adults dying ‘suddenly’ from cardiac events.
The woman said her friend sudenly, without warning, collapsed at the gym and suffered a massive cardiac arrest.” Plus two more high school students ‘suddenly die’.
Speaking about the recent death of a college athlete, Clay Travis admitted there’s something going on in sports that he’s never seen before.