New food programs could result in mRNA vaccines in the world’s food supplies. This is raising concerns over …
Stress is an insidious condition that slowly but surely tears down your quality of life. The fact that …
Dr Shawn Baker, is an American orthopedic surgeon, elite athlete, and former nuclear weapons launch officer. He is the face of the carnivore diet, a movement that includes names like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. Shawn is the founder and CEO of MeatRx, an organisation that educates and promotes the benefits of an all meat […]
New research has just proven humans really aren’t as smart as they used to be. Studies show that the average IQ score has been falling with every generation born after 1975, and now, scientists believe that at least one pesticide may be to blame for the sudden drop in intellect, if not more.
If you knew what you were eating, you would think twice. Be aware of these toxic foods the next time you dine out. They are responsible for a majority of foodborne illnesses and are best avoided whenever possible.
Check your salad dressings, jams, soy sauce, vinegar, fruit juices, salsa, dips, shredded cheeses, sodas, mouthwash, toothpaste, cough syrups, and hundreds of cosmetic products for this known toxic agent and carcinogen ingredient. It’s the cheapest mold inhibitor on the market, but it robs the human body of essential nutrients and starves your cells of much […]