Pigs fed purple potatoes had six times reduced levels of a damaging protein that fuels tumours and other inflammatory bowel diseases, a study by Pennsylvania State University found.
Here’s a dirty little secret that hardly a smoker on planet Earth understands: an acidic body keeps smokers depressed, stressed, anxious and in need of “relief,” so they go right for the nicotine, all while eating chemical-laden junk food and taking chemical-laced medications that keep them negative, depressed and stressed. Here’s another filthy little secret […]
Each year, over 10 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer, one million of them are Americans. While there is a common misconception that whether or not you will get cancer is pretty much luck of the draw, in reality, only about 10 % of cancers are attributable to genetic factors. As many as 90 […]
In what may be the largest award so far in a lawsuit tying ovarian cancer to talcum powder, a Los Angeles jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $417 million in damages to a medical receptionist who developed ovarian cancer after using the company’s trademark Johnson’s Baby Powder on her perineum for decades.
The Organic Consumer’s Association has just released a controversial new report, finding that glyphosate, a dangerous herbicide linked to cancer, is in at least 10 of the most popular Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavors.
Researchers from Harvard University found that the more light that shines through a woman’s bedroom window, the greater her risk of developing cancer if she is pre-menopausal. Women who work night shifts are particularly susceptible to getting the disease. Light at night reduces levels of the hormone melatonin, which disrupts sleep.
Certain technologies commonly used in our everyday lives are safer than others. Much safer. Lighting is no exception. There are certain light bulbs, found in many modern homes (increasingly so), which: can cause skin cancer in the deadliest form, melanoma, create significant EMF pollution on your home wiring, introduce quantities mercury, one of the most […]