Children born to mothers who frequently used their phones were more likely to be hyperactive, according to a recent study. Researchers examined 83,884 mother-children pairs from Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, and Korea between 1996 to 2011. Adult hyperactivity was also reported.
Antibiotic treatment during late pregnancy and early childhood spurred aggression and long-term behavioral changes in animal models, a recent study showed. Do these same results apply to human children?
A long-term study of 565 children who grew up in the era of leaded gasoline has shown that their exposure to the powerful neurotoxin may have led to a loss of intelligence and occupational standing by the time they reached age 38. 94% of the children exceeded today’s reference value of 5 micrograms of lead […]
Technology brings many advantages but for some – especially children – it can have much more damaging effects, experts say.
Along with concerned parents, doctors, and health educators, officials in Washington are now starting to pay attention to vaccine safety issues. Here’s the latest about what’s going on with vaccinations.
Improved test scores and longer attention span are just a few of the benefits observed after 2 New York area public schools adopted a 100% vegetarian school lunch menu.